
CEFR C2 を目指す英語学習者のブログ

“a raft of ...” とは何か?

結論: = a large amount of something = 多くのA


単語としては「いかだ」という意味で知っていたが、a raft of … と出てきたときに「多い」のか「少ない」のか一瞬判断が付かなかったのでメモ。



まずは大量に例を見たいので Oxford dictionary の例文集からの引用を。

  • The response was spectacular: a raft of letters saying I was quite right, it was time someone got up to say so, etc etc.
  • Since the research began Sheffield city centre has been transformed with a raft of new clubs and shops opening.
  • The era of the big wine sale with rafts of good wines at jaw-dropping prices is not over, despite more astute wine buying and greater awareness of what Britain's wine drinkers want.
  • The Tory leader hopes to see off his critics by unveiling a raft of policies this week on pensions, health, education and policing.
  • Negotiating even modest revisions of existing agreements can sometimes take years, and getting a raft of new ones arranged in short order will be difficult.
  • The commission has already called for a raft of new ways of checking ballots, including the collection of signatures and dates of birth at registration for postal voting.



BBC のオーストラリア総選挙報道から。別メモに書いた vie for A (ここでは vying for support) も入っているので定着しやすい。(この文脈を考えるときに少し迷った。独立候補は多くない印象だったので)

Also vying for support are minor parties including the Greens, One Nation and the United Australia Party, as well as a raft of independents.




次は Washington Postから。

That’s likely to attract a raft of retailers who fear that the ease of purchasing directly on Google would compel consumers to buy from a competitor using Google.




最後に Reuters から。情報関連 data にも使えるみたい。

Germany releases industrial orders figures on Tuesday, and Friday brings a raft of British data, including first-quarter GDP.


 raft も短い単語。このような単語は多く触れておきたい。