
CEFR C2 を目指す英語学習者のブログ

“bread and butter” とは?英語表現メモ

結論: 飯のタネ、本業。ビジネスシーンで使える表現。





Reuters からの表現例。本業がありつつ、新規事業に取り組む文脈。使われ方としては、someone's bread and butter の形。

“Pickup trucks are our bread and butter, and we’ve got the new model to prove it with all the bells and whistles customers want,” he said.



ウォールストリートジャーナルからの使用例。得意分野あるいは本業分野という整理で、bread and butter を使っている。また、the bread and butter of someone という形。

At a time of volatile oil prices, shale is particularly appealing because shale projects pay off faster compared with the big offshore projects that are the bread and butter of companies like BP and Chevron. BP sold off its acreage in the Permian in 2010 to help pay for its Gulf of Mexico liabilities.



Reuters からもう一つ。後続する live for ... = …のために生きるという表現との相性も良いみたい。

“People thought that there was no business anymore, but we liked the business and structure and didn’t believe the injury was fatal,” he said. “This is the bread and butter of our business. We live for this.”




New York Times からの用例。ここでも someone's bread and butter という使われ方。

Then she used Twitter to call for a boycott of the Dallas Cowboys’ advertisers after the team’s owner, Jerry Jones, said he would bench players who kneel in protest during the national anthem. ESPN noted this had been Ms. Hill’s second violation. But let’s face it, this time she was going after ESPN’s bread and butter.



最後に高級紙 The Economist からの引用。bread-and-butter という1語にまとめている例。

She starts with bread-and-butter concerns like jobs and social spending, then the usual joke about children not looking up from their phones at dinner, then a sweep through law and order (there “can, must and will” be no repeat of the immigrant influx of 2015) and some reflections on global instability. The election is not yet decided, she concludes, before bustling out to a standing ovation.

