- botox*1 ≒ wrinkle treatment
- chiselled ≒ sculpted
- clientele ≒ customers
- contortion ≒ twist
- dermatologist ≒ skin doctor
- She had a botox treatment to reduce her forehead wrinkles.
(彼女は額のシワを減らすためにボトックス治療を受けた。) - His chiselled jawline was admired by many.
(彼の彫りの深い顎のラインは多くの人に賞賛された。) - The restaurant’s clientele includes many famous actors.
(そのレストランの顧客層には多くの有名俳優が含まれている。) - The contortion of his body during the performance was impressive.
(彼のパフォーマンス中の体のねじれは見事だった。) - She visited a dermatologist for her skin condition.
*1:A cosmetic treatment that involves injecting botulinum toxin to reduce wrinkles.